Our Focus Is Assisting People Through Difficult Times
If your spouse or family member suffered a fatal injury caused by someone else’s neglect or wrongful behavior, you have the right to file for damages in a wrongful death suit. Filing a wrongful death claim is a sensitive and painful time for clients. Wrongful death attorney Alissa J. Sammarco is prepared to enter into acute negotiation on behalf of her clients. She investigates the facts surrounding the cases to determine the best angle for the most solid case, even if most cases settle before ever reaching the courtroom.
Contact The Sammarco Law Firm, LLC, to help you with a wrongful death lawsuit. Ms. Sammarco is a compassionate and experienced lawyer who anchors her work on helping families recover when they are suffering from the death of a loved one.
We Can Help You File A Wrongful Death Claim
Ohio’s laws restrict the time frame for filing a suit to two years after the death of a loved one. You may file a claim for loss in a wrongful death suit, if you are suffering the death of your:
- Spouse
- Child
- Parent
Other family members, such as brothers and sisters or grandparents, may file for damages; however, the suit needs to be for reimbursement, such as compensation of medical costs, for example.
Our Experience Is Pivotal To Your Successful Case
Your friends and relatives may pitch in helpful advice during your time of mourning for a loved one, but the law is complex. Surviving spouses may seek damages for:
- Loss of support, based on past wages
- Loss of services, including child care or household duties
- Loss of companionship or guidance
- Mental suffering due to death of the loved one
Get Crucial Support Today
The Sammarco Law Firm, LLC, is a reliable advocate with the capacity to make lasting change in your favor. Call our office in Cincinnati at 513-828-0243. If you prefer, you may contact us via email.
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